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Our Understanding towards Community

Our Group, which grows and develops day by day with the strength we receive from our society, focuses on the education, culture and art fields of social responsibility projects, with the principle of adding value to our society and being by their side in every process while carrying out social responsibility projects. As one of the biggest supporters of these areas in our country, we are working to carry our society to a better future.

Providing unlimited support to education, culture and sports with the Meral Tekin Birinci Education, Culture and Sports Foundation, Birinci Global works dynamically not only in these areas but also in health and environmental issues.

Meral Tekin Birinci Education, Culture and ve Sports Foundation​


Tekin Birinci Education, Culture and Sports Foundation was founded by Tekin Birinci, Meral Birinci and their sons in 1990. With the death of Meral Birinci, our foundation was renamed as’’Meral Tekin Birinci Education, Culture and Sports Foundation’’ named-after her.  
The aim of our foundation was to provide educational opportunities to successful young people in educational need, as well as to add values to our society in sports, health, culture and many other areas.
Our foundation has been providing scholarship opportunities to many students in education since the day it was founded. Especially with the agreements it made with the universities operating in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, it has provided scholarship opportunities to hundreds of young people and it still provides today.
The Birinci Foundation, which provided many aids and contributions in the field of sports, provided sports facilities to many of our schools and supported the world of sports. Today, many investments such as the sports facilities of the Gülenyüz Kindergarten, the tribune of the Yeni Yüzyıl Kindergarten, the canteen of the Bayraktar Secondary School have been made by our foundation.
Due to the lack of a single movie theatre in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) from 1982 to 1995 our foundation launched the first cinema hall of the TRNC under the leadership of Ertan Birinci on January 13, 1995, and immediately afterwards, by opening movie theatres all over the TRNC to live the pride of bringing our people together with movie theatres and cinema culture. In order to close the gap at the lack of cinema in our country from 1982 to 1995, our Foundation has organized an International Film Festival on 17 May 1997 in the TRNC. We have transferred the movie theatres that we established as a culture and art service in 1997 to the companies that trade because of the start of commercial competition and we are still proud of providing such an important service with peace of mind.

Our foundation has also reintegrated important books in the field of publishing to the society. He published Ahmet Tolgay's "Kıbrıs Türk Toplumunda Sinema Tarihi (History of Cinema in the Turkish Cypriot Community)", "Sinema Alfabesi (Cinema Alphabet)" and Fatma Azgın's "Kadınlarımız (Our Women)" books and presented them to the service of our people.

In addition to these, it has made important contributions to our hospitals in the field of health, especially in the construction of vehicles, buildings and new equipment, especially to the Girne Akçiçek State Hospital. Today, both in the building and in the vehicle, we are at the financial and moral side of people who need treatment and have important diseases in line with our possibilities. As a foundation, we have made and still providing the necessary contributions to many health organizations (heart, cancer and many disease fighting organizations) with the income we have obtained from the organizations we have established. We also made vehicle contributions to our police, who were able to stand apart as a foundation.
Our foundation still teaches many students and we make contributions in many areas for our society outside of our fields. Since the first day of our establishment, our aim is to be beneficial to our society in the best way possible. For this, we work dynamically as the Foundation. Ertan Birinci is the President of our Foundation

Social Responsibilities​

Since the day it was founded, Birinci Global has been supporting this objective, which it set out with the aim of leaving a beautiful world to future generations, with Social Responsibility projects.
Birinci Global has carried out many projects for afforestation in line with its own brands. Finally, by taking the responsibility of a grove near the Bogaz Picnic area, it has undertaken the care of the grove with the slogan "clean environment, green world". The decor of the Küçük Kaymaklı Roundabout in our country has also been undertaken by our own brand, Kıbrıs Genç TV.
First Global, we work with all our means and know our responsibility for a green world.

Strong Women Strong Cyprus

The Birinci Group, which supports social responsibility projects on social equality with all its strength, believes that our women are indispensable values of the business world and works hard to achieve this.
We play countless TV and radio programs to make our women feel that we are with them in order to draw attention to "Violence Against Women" with our media organs. In addition, we support and broadcast all relevant public advertisements or events prepared by non-governmental organizations with our media organizations.

As Birinci Global, we strive to implement social responsibility projects on social equality, based on the principle that if our women become stronger, we will also glorify with them.

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